

RightWave celebrates the 70th anniversary of India’s Republic

Some RightWave employees in Noida are shown celebrating India’s Republic Day. All of the Noida employees as well as employees in RightWave’s other locations, Dehradun and San Jose, are delighted that India’s constitution came into effect 70 years ago on January 26, 1950. Festivities throughout the world’s most populous democracy started more than a week ago…

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RightWave named a 2019 Business APAC One-Stop IT Service & Solution Provider

RightWave is honored to have been selected as one of Business APAC’s 2019 One-Stop IT Service & Solution Providers. These awards focus on visionary leaders which  RightWave’s CEO Anurag Khemka certainly exemplifies. In presenting the award to RightWave, Business APAC traced Anurag’s journey from a technologist who became enamored of marketing to the founding the…

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RightWave expands with new facility in Dehradun, Uttarakhand

Adding to its San Jose, California headquarters and the long-established center in Noida, India, RightWave has expanded by adding a facility in Dehradun, India. Opened since March of this year, the Dehradun office houses RightWave employees who are E-Marketing Consultants providing valuable marketing and sales operations for B2B organizations. Currently, the Dehradun team is backed…

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B2B Marketing & Sales need and can achieve outstanding Data Quality Governance

Data Quality Governance benefits both B2B Marketing and B2B Sales. In only 45 minutes, marketers and sales professionals can learn about the disadvantages of databases with out-of-date, duplicated, and inaccurate information about prospects and customers. These can include severe legal penalties in several states and countries if privacy is invaded or unwanted communications sent. More…

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Whitepaper: Your quick guide to Account Based Marketing

Marketers in B2B community are wondering about, “What is ABM, anyway?”. The White Paper explains exactly what Account Based Marketing is and why it is essential to marketing strategy. Readers can learn the following: The principles of Account Based Marketing Where most B2B Marketers fail in adopting ABM Design a Marketing Strategy to successfully adopt…

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Salesforce Summer Release’19 is ready to upgrade on Production

Get ready to update the production instance. After the Summer’19 Salesforce release, now production instance needs to upgrade. The Release Date for Summer ’19 will depend on the instance of Salesforce. However, the main dates are on May 18th, June 8th & 15th. To check the production instance upgrade date then head over to the…

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Salesforce Summer’19 Release for Sandbox

Salesforce summer release’19 is making summer cool with some interesting features. Salesforce’s Summer’19 release dates depend on the customer Instance as usual. The feature released for Preview Sandbox first on May 3/4, 2019 and for non-preview type Sandboxes on June 14/15, 2019.(1) What’s new in the Summer Salesforce release?(2) Switching to the Lightning Experience: Salesforce…

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RightWave Honored as a Super 30 Company by Silicon Review

RightWave has achieved another milestone. The company has jumped up and reached the list of Super 30 Companies of the Year 2018 in Silicon Review. After receiving the designation “Hot in Silicon Valley“ in 2016, Rightwave has now reached to the Top 30 companies. Anurag Khemka, President and CEO of RightWave, has been a pioneer in…

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