Human-made and natural borders of continents, countries, and corporations are no longer barriers. On the negative side, a tiny virus covers the globe in a few weeks while local natural disasters and political turmoil disrupt supply chains and financial markets worldwide. On the positive side, corporations and universities exchange ideas, information, and personnel while engaging in competition. Digital commerce is embraced far more widely and quickly than planned and results in lower costs, less pollution, and more enjoyable commute-free lives.
Ideas, information, goods, and services easily cross political borders. Partnering, contracting, and consulting mean corporate boundaries are also porous.
Porous boundaries provide opportunities. New geographical markets can be pursued within a few months. Work-at-home, create-at-home, learn-at-home, and even manufacture-at-home will survive beyond the pandemic. Knowledge workers can be sought and employed anywhere.
There are also challenges. Global legal compliance is required because electronic communication is regulated world-wide. Reputation is gained slowly but lost quickly.
RightWave recommends strategic planning that recognizes how much Earth and Earthlings have changed, how best to overcome the constraints, and how to take advantage of new opportunities. For B2B marketing, trade shows and other in-person events will return only partially. Online marketing activities are less expensive and reach a much larger audience. Alas, they are also less effective. Creativity is essential. More than ever, marketers must listen to customers and prospects and adapt quickly.
Excellent relations between marketing and sales are crucial. Again, listening is vital. Only when each organization understands the corporate-wide impact of the new normal can the company increase customer satisfaction, growth, and prosperity.
For more suggestions to bounce forward using Account-Based Marketing, Data Quality Governance, and partnered resources, contact RightWave.