With less than three months left before the “Private Right to Action” provision goes into effect in relation to Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), RightWave presents a 30-minute webinar with an overview of CASL and other prominent International Anti-Spam laws.
Join RightWave CEO, Anurag Khemka, a Marketing Automation pioneer, on Thursday, April 27th, 2017 at 12 Noon PT/3:00 PM ET for a live webinar to learn:
- Everything you must know about CASL
- An overview of other prominent International Anti-Spam laws
- Timeline and potential impact of non-compliance
- What should you do to comply with most of these laws
In addition, every registrant will be provided with a comprehensive check list to quickly test for CASL compliance. Qualified attendees will be added to a drawing to win a Free CASL compliance assessment and comprehensive professional consultation that will create a plan to bring them in compliance.
The space is limited so click this link to register for the webinar: Register Now