Jacky Hood


Project Management for Digital Marketing – Two Neglected Steps

To effectively utilize today’s technologies to reach and influence potential customers, a marketing organization needs resources who have both digital marketing and project management skills. However, such dual-skilled individuals are rare. Therefore, one of the following is required: A digital marketer must learn to manage projects. A project manager must master digital marketing. Both a…

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Email reigns but must cater to mobile – Lessons from the June 23 Integrated Marketing Virtual Conference and other sources

The Integrated Marketing Virtual Conference held on June 23 2016 addressed several current outbound marketing issues. One of the most pertinent sessions for B2B marketers was presented by Target Marketing Magazine (reference 1) and highlighted the continued importance of email marketing. Email continues to achieve highest returns on marketing investment across different channels as shown…

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Four Highlights from the San Francisco MarTech Expo

The Marketing Technology trade show held in San Francisco March 21-22 had dozens of highlights from a substantial collection of marketing technology vendors. We have selected four items that are of importance to Business-to-Business (B2B) marketers: Account-Based Marketing (ABM) was prominent at the show. It is a methodology that not only increases sales but also…

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Silicon India article: Challenges in Calculating Marketing ROI

  Appearing in Silicon India magazine is an informative article: B2B Marketer: Challenges in Calculating Marketing ROI written by RightWave CEO Anurag Khemka. The focus is on the beneficial changes brought about by marketing automation. These changes have the potential to move marketing from a cost center to a profit center. Marketing activities have always brought…

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Welcome to the 2016 RightWave Website for MaaS

RightWave’s website has a new look and a new focus for 2016. The company has expanded its services for Eloqua, Marketo, NetSuite, and SalesForce. Marketing organizations can now enjoy the flexibility and market intelligence using popular marketing automation and CRM tools. As always, RightWave also provides a basic Marketing Automation system if desired. RightWave’s Marketing…

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Whether organic reach is alive or dead, track results

SocialTimes has pulled together statistics from 13 sources to create a fascinating infographic entitled Marketing Trends RoadMap for 2015. Ironically, while B2B organizations are waking up to the power of social media, that power is taking a sharp turn. Organic reach is the process whereby services and products are recommended by a purchaser to colleagues.…

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